
Nov 16, 2014

Dancing at the Christmas Family Gift Show

Today was a wonderful, glorious day!! (But you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear all the details...)

We spent the afternoon at the Christmas Family Gift Show. Princess, Crafty, Scout, Fajita, and Baby Doll were all dancing.

The show was absolutely insane! We couldn't even find a parking place. The girls did a fabulous job even though the stage was a big problem. Princess was supposed to dance her Sugar Plum Fairy solo from The Nutcracker, but the stage was all bumpy so she couldn't wear her pointe shoes. She did it on flat. She did a fantastic job, but she just didn't have as much impact as it would have on her toes.

Baby Doll looked so grown up I hardly recognized her! Bossy did her makeup and she looked at least 6 or 7 rather than 4.

Crafty, Scout, and Fajita all did a great job too. The first dance performance of the year is always stressful, but necessary for preparing for the recital in a couple of weeks.

Just a heads-up, I have a Guest Post going up tomorrow and a certain special event... :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh this looked like such a fun event. I love watching children dance.
    Blessings for you all!
