
Nov 29, 2014

Bridal Shower for Beauty and The Beast

We had a beautiful shower for Beauty and The Beast today. It was a ton of work, but so nice to have a party for them. We set up at the church with tables and food and two quilts to tie. It was an open house format so people came and went. Most took a few minutes to help with the quilts a little and by the time we were ready to clean up, both of them were finished.

The only thing that didn't happen was picture taking. I thought Teach was planning to do some pics, but I guess I forgot to tell her. So other than these few pics Prima Donna took while we were just getting started, there is no permanent record of the event except for two warm quilts.

And a whole lot of food for the happy couple from my generous neighbors and friends. :)


  1. One cannot remember everything on the agenda..the fact you had the birthday celebrations, dance stuff, plays, thanksgiving day and a bridal shower complete with two warm quilts and food and enjoyment is something else! Who could remember to ask a family remember to take is a lot on your plate and how you do it is beyond my comprehension, you cook do mounds of laundry, dishes, sewing, lots of athletic events and other childrens events, and plan a wedding and did thanksgiving wohhhhh..take it easy..have a nice wedding soon for your son and his lovely soon to be wife, enjoy each and everyday and happy and blessed Christmas too!

  2. I would love to see the finished quilts! I think it sounds like a great wedding shower!

  3. It looks like it went well if you got the quilts finished. The pictures you have were good ones.
    Blessings for you all as this great event takes place.
