
Oct 18, 2014

Princess's DYW Scholarship Pageant - First Night

Princess looked so beautiful last night! The Distinguished Young Women break their program into two nights because with 32 participants, it would have been extremely long.

Princess was in the opening number, the closing number, and she did her talent. I took such a long video of her talent that my phone shut down so now I can't share it with you. But I did manage to take a few pics with my sweetie's phone so you could get an idea.

We had some time to talk with her after the event was over and before she was whisked away to the host family for one more evening. She is so sweet. She doesn't care if she wins. She would like some scholarship money, but she feels like this is SOO much more important to some of these girls than it is to her. She says they have been prepping for it for over a year. Princess just thought it would be fun and a good experience for her.

So for tonight's final program, we are happy, no matter what happens. Our Princess is already a Distinguished Young Woman, if she represents the state of Utah or not.


  1. Your Princess is such an outstanding young lady, I just know and have been praying she wins a great scholarship..She represents Utah so well.. How proud you and your husband and family must be of such a wonderful wonderful young lady..I just know that God will reward her for her many contributions and her faith and poise and loveliness inside and out, many young women can look up to her and her siblings can also be happy that she is so talented..It will bode her well in her life path, Congartulations to Princess and to you and your entire family! KUDOS< god's blessings and prayers, too..ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Our granddaughter was in this same thing in Idaho 2 years ago. She felt just like your daughter did. She wasn't worried about winning she just enjoyed the experience. I do hope your daughter does get a scholarship that would be very nice. Your daughter is beautiful and I can tell from your writings about her it is inside and out. I am sure she makes you happy and proud of her accomplishments.
    Blessings and hugs for her!

  3. I just looked over your blog again, what a distinquished young woman Princess truly is and a daughter no less..What an example of Godlieness and Lovelieness and Character and the Love of the Lord, oh, how I pray she wins a bundle for her college expenses..She truly deserves it..You as her lovely Mother and her lovely Daddy certainly are raising such remarkable children, if only others could and do read your blog and get the fact a person has to be there for their kids 365/24 7 and truly raise God loving, family loving and goal oriented and happy kids, our juvenile justice and prisons would be empty..Congratulations to Princess and you too Sandy and your husband, she is setting a wonderful example for her siblings and such love in your home you must be over the moon. KUDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! All your kids are amazing and talented, I get such a kick out of your blog, keep smiling happy Halloween and happy holidays coming up..ciao and X()~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Princess is a winner in my book no matter what anyone thinks or says differently. I have only met a few ppl in my life as wonderful as her. She is a really smart,funny,young woman and when she lets loose and has fun she even tends to be more crazy than the rest of the family. I am proud of my sister in law for everything she has accomplished in her life. i know she will still go on to inspire more people and make long lasting memories with anyone who spends time around her.
