
Oct 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, but this year I can't seem to get my head around the fact that October is over! What happened to fall? Pretty soon we will have snow and ice and Christmas.

My kids are already counting down the days...

Oh don't get me wrong, I love Christmas too. I love the entire holiday season. But after tomorrow the season will be in full swing and I have 4 November birthdays and not a single idea for Christmas gifts. I did sign up my kids for Jr. Jazz basketball today, so at least I've got that together.

I played volleyball for 3 hours tonight. Tournaments start next week and my legs hurt. I might have to send my sweetie out with the kids while I stay home and hand out treats.

Prima Donna made this cute My Little Pony costume for Baby Doll for her birthday a few weeks ago and now she has it all together with her leotard and everything. I thought I'd share a pic with you to get you in the Halloween spirit.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Baby Doll looks adorable, of course. I do hope you get a rest tonight. You are amazing to be playing Volleyball; I loved it.
    Wow, it is amazing how time flies; and I seem to get little done. My mind just won't go to the Christmas time yet.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Have a fun, and safe Halloween.

  3. Four November birthdays, I thought that having my hubs on Halloween and our only child on the 3rd of November was stressful..We have Hanukkah and once in a blue moon it falls near Christmas so we skip Christmas and enjoy our Hanukkah..Isn't everyday a holiday when one is alive and well and has their familia and food and most of all faith in the Lord? I like to think so..Baby doll looks just like that a baby doll..Do you make a cake for each family member for November? and how goes the gifting? I like you play volleyball for that long I don't think I could do it but I did walk about 22 miles in one day and lived to tell I normally only walk abou4 miles each morning rain or shine..I admire you with your tenacity and discipline to get everything done even though it must make you feel very tired indeed. Happy Birthdays, Halloween tonight, Thanksgiving day, Hanukkah Christmas and New Years Eve they will zoom by in no time! God's Blessings always!

  4. We do make separate cakes for everyone even if we have to throw some of them away. That's because my brother's birthday was 3 days before mine and I always felt like mine was lost in the shuffle. I never want my kids to feel that way. Thanks for the great questions!
