
Oct 20, 2014

Dog Walker's Annual Halloween Display

Remember last week I told you we put in a new circuit to support the Dog Walker's holiday light extravaganzas? He was all excited last night to take pictures for you so you could see what has been considered by some to be his best show ever.


  1. Spooky. Not many people go all out for Halloween, so I bet your house is a highlight.

  2. ok Dog walker. The game is on! Ok so maybe not so much. But we both have the most decorated houses on our respective streets LOL. I always look forward to seeing his light work when the holidays come around.

  3. My goodness sakes alive, it looks spooky and bright and wonderful..He takes a lot of time and effort to make it that way!Kudos to you Dog Walker you have the NEATEST AND CREEPIEST HALLOWEEN DISPLAY IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I love it! Way to go! Can't wait to see his Christmas light display!!

  5. Way to go Dog Walker; you rock. I love the pictures of your light display.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
