
Oct 14, 2014

Distinguished Young Women of Utah - State Week

The scholarship pageant for Princess is finally here! It seems like we have been preparing for months. Last night we finished up the wardrobe modifications and she got all of her things packed. She was still going to school today, so there was the last minute rush to make sure everything was turned in on time. Her application for Sterling Scholar also had to be finished, so that made for a late night, but we managed.

We picked her up from school at 2:30 and took her to Juan Diego high school. After she was all checked in we left her for a couple of hours and came back later to share dinner with her and the pageant committee. The food was all donated by the Blue Lemon and we were assigned to sit at specific tables. I'm not much of a pageant mom, so I felt a bit awkward and out of place.

But it was nice to sit with Princess and try to imagine how she must feel. She had just spent the last few hours getting to know 31 other girls who were also DYW of Utah. They had a workshop put on by Barbara Barrington Jones, a famous author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist. She also spoke after the meal. She was amazingly funny and I'm sure I could have listened to her for another hour without a problem.

We got to meet the host family Princess will be staying with this week. Six of the girls are staying with this amazing older couple. I really enjoyed visiting with them and I felt perfectly comfortable entrusting my daughter to their care for the week.

As nervous as we all are, I'm so glad she had this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity for your sweet daughter. I am sure you will do further posts on this one.
    I have read a book by the speaker and loved it.
    Blessings for your daughter and hugs too!
