
Oct 27, 2014

Cupcake Club Social

Look at me, I'm back to posting late again. I was trying to change that up a bit last week so see if I could get a little more sleep. It seems that I will just shuffle paperwork around to avoid writer's block and that keeps me up much later. (Not that I don't need to do that paperwork...)

It's been a rough couple of weeks and I was really looking forward to a little down time today. I didn't get much, but enough that I feel mostly ready to face a new week. The little ones go back to school tomorrow, so that means life will change again. No more sleeping in. :(

I've told you about most of the craziness of last week, but I wanted to show you the cute cupcakes Princess did with her Cupcake Club. For the opening social last month she taught them how to use and make fondant, so this time she wanted to teach them about frosting. Since it's so close to Halloween, holiday-themed designs caught her imagination.

Her club meets right after school one Thursday a month. She made 100 cupcakes (she also made 100 more for the GS activity on Friday). It's a good thing she loves to bake. Tonight she mixed up 10 batches of sugar cookies for Pack Meeting on Tuesday. We will have to bake them tomorrow or Tuesday morning, but making the dough is half the battle.

She loves having her own club and the opportunity to teach others about her cooking passions. Check out her fun pictures.


  1. Wow, I love the pictures. She is amazing to do all of that baking. That is a huge number of cupcakes to make.
    Blessings and hugs for her!
