
Oct 8, 2014


Remember a few weeks ago when I was all stressed out about my Grant Proposal for our Ballet Company? Well, tonight Princess and I attended the city council meeting. She had to be there anyway because the last group of her Youth City Council members were being sworn in. Since she is the Youth Deputy Mayor, she was invited to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. She is a real pro.

After the Youth Council was finished, Princess sat with me and we waited for several more issues before the PACDB items were presented and up for vote. Fortunately, the grant was unanimously approved!

We were very excited and could hardly wait to tell the Director, so we drove to the dance studio, but she had already gone home. When we reached her on the phone, she was just as excited as we were. Now our Sugar Plum Fairy (aka Princess), will get a new tutu for the performance and we can actually have funds to purchase some scenery for the 2nd act.

The girls are so excited about the Nutcracker this year. They all have great parts and this year it will be right here in our city; no more traveling which is nice. I will share some pics with you when we have more info, and for now I can't even send you a pic of my beautiful Princess dancing because my phone is taking forever to get a message out. Once again, I will try to update you tomorrow.

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