
Sep 9, 2014

So Very Tired...

Kids are sick. Canning is piling up both finished and not finished. I have 5 boxes of pears sitting in my garage and starting to turn yellow.

Prima Donna and Curly both got parts in the Peter Pan musical. The parent meeting last night has me wondering what I got myself into...

Princess now has to decorate a hall on Friday AND make a float for the parade next week.

Life is just piling up and the volleyball season starts on Thursday. I've rewritten the schedule 3 times now and may have to write it again. I don't mean to sound like I'm whining, but do you ever feel like too many good things are happening?


  1. This is exactly what my blog post was about! I can relate! Things are so busy right now...

  2. Yes, I do think that too many good things are happening to you at this time. You are just one busy girl and I don't know how you manage it all.
    Blessings for being just amazing!

  3. Better too many good than too many bad. ;)
