
Sep 1, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

My sweetie's birthday was last Thursday, but we decided to put off the celebration until today so we could have all of our children with us. Oh I just love having all 12 of them home again!! :)

Teach and the Dog Walker are singing with a combined Institute Choir for a CES Devotional on the 14th, so they had rehearsal until about 7:30. That put us pretty late getting started. I wanted to be the one to do most of the cooking, but I did have my sweetie help a little so the food would be especially good.

Princess made wheat sourdough bread and we had BBQ chicken and steak. I also made creamed peas and potatoes and corn on the cob. Then I sliced up a watermelon that turned out to be a particularly good one. I have to confess that I'm not much good at picking a decent melon, but this time I hit the jackpot.
Gym Rat and his cute girlfriend (love this girl!)

We loaded my sweetie with some fun sweet treats for gifts and this awesome Utes hat I also made his favorite cake, chocolate with coconut-pecan frosting.

Me and Crafty
The Drama Queen had a really fun gift idea I want to share. She bought this book with sayings on each page about a dad. The pages were mostly blank so the book could be written in or filled with pictures or whatever, so she assigned each kid a page and they were allowed to draw whatever they wanted. I believe this is a gift he will cherish forever. I don't know when I've seen such love and thought put into a gift for him before.

We are going to the Ogden Temple Open House tomorrow. The kids just love touring these beautiful buildings before they are dedicated. Hope you are having a great weekend too and having some fun family or friend time.

And don't forget to watch Newsies tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a great Birthday celebration for that awesome husband of yours. We like the same cake.
    The book sounded like such a great idea. I will think about this one. We could do a children and grandchildren one; thanks for the idea.
    Blessings for all!
