
Sep 24, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday, Princess

Cupcake Club float for Homecoming parade
I know I haven't been blogging for birthdays this year because it seems like I would be writing them all the time, but I just couldn't let this one pass without sharing it with you.
Her awesome birthday cake!

Her birthday gift from Drama Queen.
Can you believe Princess is turning 18 today?

I can't.

It just doesn't seem that long ago that I held her in my arms and rocked her to sleep. She has always been such a bright sunshine in my life. She and I are a lot alike. We surround ourselves with stress and craziness. She loves service and good works.

She is totally involved in tons of things, Youth City Council Deputy Mayor, FCCLA Officer, Cupcake Club president, Distinguished Young Women, Girl Scout Community Delegate, Troop President, Sugar Plum Fairy... The list just goes on and on.

But she loves it that way. She and Prima Donna are in Provo for the FCCLA Leadership Conference tonight, so she is not even home. But if she were home, I would wish her the sweetest birthday ever.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to that sweet girl. I loved the pictures. Yes, she does take after you if she is in that many things. What a busy life you all have.
    Blessings and hugs for her today!
