
Sep 20, 2014

Guess What We Did Today...

I know, from the pics you are thinking we went out for ice cream, right? Well, you are half right. We have an annual tradition of going out for ice cream right about this time of year after everyone (except Sport) succumbs to a flu shot or flu mist.

Curly did his fair share of complaining that Sport gets an ice cream even though he doesn't have to have a shot until I remind him that Sport ended up in the hospital because of an allergy to flu shots and he won't be getting any more. And hopefully he won't get the flu either.

Baby Doll and Curly both have asthma, so they have to get the shot rather than the mist and they were both pretty unhappy. I would WAY rather have a shot than have them squeeze stuff up my nose!

But mostly I'm glad the ordeal is over. Now I'll have to invent another excuse to go out for ice cream...

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great tradition! Emma got to take a nap after she got her flu shot a few weeks ago. I get mine in two weeks and I'll have to make sure I take myself out for ice cream!
