
Sep 3, 2014


I am definitely a fan of pretty much any feel-good movie that is connected to sports in some way, so when the people from Deseret Book asked my family if we would review the up and coming soccer movie, Believe, I jumped at the chance.

Now I'm going to borrow a bit of hype from my friend, Katie at Deseret Book, just so you know a little about the background of this beautifully shot movie.

"Inspired by true events, this funny and touching tale follows Sir Matt Busby, legendary Manchester United soccer manager, who comes out of retirement to transform a young group of scallywags into a dream team. The film won a Zurich Film Festival award for best children’s film and stars Brian Cox (Troy, Bourne Identity Series, Braveheart). Currently, players and clubs from Major League Soccer are getting behind the film as well as local clubs in Southern California."

Now let me tell you what we thought of it. I've never actually played a game of soccer before although my children have been in several leagues and various teams over the years. But overcoming the odds in a David and Goliath-type tale is amazing, even if I don't understand all the ins and outs of the game.

The kids in this movie are talented and likeable with awesome soccer skills! My favorite character was actually Matt's wife. She is very real and her eccentricities are so fun. She reminded me of my grandma.

My only challenge with this movie was the British accents and while I understand that they are necessary since the setting is placed in England, sometimes we had to really concentrate to decipher what they were saying. About halfway through, my daughter suggested we turn on the subtitles and that would have been very helpful.

But you don't have to be able to understand every word to feel the excitement and team-building of this movie. I love that companies are willing to invest in inspirational stories that can help us remember that the world is full of good people.

If you get a chance, go see Believe. It's showing in selected theaters starting September 12, 2014.

***I was given an advance copy of this movie to share with my family as a gift for my honest review.***

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