
Aug 21, 2014

Ten Hours and Counting...

Dear Teach,

I am so excited to see you tomorrow! Almost 18 months without you has been so long. I wanted to make sure I don't forget to say some things to you.

First of all, I am so proud of you! I didn't have the vision or testimony to devote 18 months of my life to teaching the gospel before I was married. You have been a great example to our family and I'm sure to the other missionaries and people of Texas.

I love that you are so strong in your convictions and that you make goals and achieve them.

I know you have loved your mission, but I am selfish enough to be glad that you will finally be back home. The family has never been complete while you are gone. There is an empty chair at every party and I miss your sweet voice.

I can't wait to hug you and hold you and welcome you home.

See you tomorrow!



  1. Happy day! Welcome home Sister Teach!

  2. I can only imagine how excited you all are!!! Happy for you!

  3. See I told you it would go by fast and she would be home quickly.

  4. Just lovely thought on your sweet daughters homecoming. I remember with my own daughter these treasured moments
    Hugs and blessings for all~
