
Aug 26, 2014

Teach's Homecoming and Party

First let me confess right off that everything was so crazy I didn't even think to take pictures until almost everyone was gone. Then the Drama Queen snapped a few for us so I will share those with you in a minute.

Our Sunday morning started really early with Teach's report to the High Council. We had to be at the Stake Center at 7:00 AM, and I had been up late on Saturday trying to make sure everything was done and ready to go. She did an amazing job and then I was asked to speak for a couple of minutes which was pretty stressful.

By 8:30 we were back home and my sweetie started working on the food. I took a short nap and then jumped in to help get everything prepared. We had no idea how many people would be here, and we didn't want to run out of food.

Princess had made hundreds of cookies and now it was time to put together the pork for the party. We left everything at the house and made our way to the church. Thank you so much if you came to support Teach! She did a wonderful job on her talk.

We finally got back home about 2:45. It was wall-to-wall people and they were all hungry and waiting for a prayer on the food.

For the next 3 or 4 hours we were visiting and talking, eating and laughing. It just feels so good to have Teach home!

We went through so much homemade peach salsa!

1 comment:

  1. I felt so sad that I couldn't make it there. I know exactly how wonderful it is to have a daughter home and to hear them report to the High Council and then give their message. It is such a wonderful moment of time. I am happy she is home; enjoy the continued moments on this one!
    Blessings for all!
