
Aug 2, 2014

Swim Party

Every year we schedule a swim party for the Girl Scout troop. The girls love the opportunity to go to the Aquatic Center and I love that they are all old enough to enjoy themselves and spend time together. I brought Curly and Baby Doll as well and Bossy brought Bean Dip and Burrito. (Sport and Taco both had football practice.)

We were 16 in number, but the pool was uncrowded for a hot summer afternoon and we were able to thoroughly enjoy our time there. Curly was finally tall enough to try out the waterslide and after a tiny bit of coaxing to get him up the stairs the first time, I could hardly get him off to go home an hour or so later. I'm sure he made at least 25 trips with a huge grin on his face every time, especially after I told him if he stretched out flat he would go much faster!

Burrito was a totally different story. I couldn't get him on the slide no matter what I tried. Bossy told him he would miss out on ice cream after the pool, but that didn't work. I offered him $1 or a candy bar. Nothing was going to convince him.

So Bossy finally grabbed his hand and literally dragged him up the stairs. I was glad it was noisy in there because then no one could hear his objections. When we got to the top of the slide, Bossy picked him up and placed him on the slide. He wiggled and squirmed, trying to get back to the top, but the water washed him away

In about 2 seconds he was grinning and by the time we all got to the bottom, he was ready to head back up with Curly. I knew he would love it! He just needed a little help.

And we all enjoyed the ice cream on the way home.


  1. Sounds like a fun swim party! Glad the boys enjoyed the slide!

  2. What a very fun activity for your girl scouts and family members. I will think about taking our grandchildren there when they come in about 10 days.
