
Aug 17, 2014

Princess's Pageant

All the girls.
Did I ever tell you that Princess has been preparing for a pageant? She started working on all the paperwork back in April so that she could enter the Distinguished Young Women (formerly Jr. Miss) pageant. Because our area doesn't have their own program, she joined the At-Large group.

My Princess, right in the middle.
We had no idea how big or small this group might be until she arrived at Utah Valley University this morning at 8:30 to begin the competition. She wasn't actually competing against the other girls, only a point value that would advance her to the State Competition.

Dancing to Mulan
Distinguished Young Women is an interesting program because it is sort of a beauty pageant, with scholarships and such, but it's different. Princess had to prepare a talent, any guesses on what she did? Yeah, it was her Mulan solo. She did a beautiful job.

She had to do an interview and then answer a question on stage. They also did an aerobic routine which she was amazing at, of course. I would never have survived it...

There were 13 girls competing in this particular program and every one of them had high enough scores to advance to the State pageant. I think that's because the girls in the At-Large program have to work extra hard just to get there since they don't have any sponsors or anything.

Medallion Time
Now she has to prepare for the next level in October. One more awesome thing in my crazy life!


  1. This is one more awesome thing to be doing. I think this is so neat that she is doing this. Our granddaughter was in this same thing in Idaho and it was so much fun to go up and see her in the final portion.
    Blessings for her on this one!

  2. This is one more awesome thing to be doing. I think this is so neat that she is doing this. Our granddaughter was in this same thing in Idaho and it was so much fun to go up and see her in the final portion.
    Blessings for her on this one!

  3. So cool! I didn't know there was anything like this out there. I hope she does well at the next level.
