
Aug 19, 2014


Just when you didn't think I could possibly cram anything else into my weekend, I have one more thing I just have to tell you about. On Friday, after Curly's birthday party with his friends, I wanted to do something fun to finish up his birthday week.

You know our Pass of All Passes is a gold mine for finding free activities, so we looked them up and found out they were doing some racing out at Rocky Mountain Raceway. We had so much fun doing that a few weeks ago, that we decided to make the drive.

Unfortunately, when we got there, we found out that the dates on our passes were wrong and the races weren't until Saturday night and with Princess's pageant, of course we already had plans. The kids were disappointed, but RMR was offering a consolation prize, we could all get in free to the motocross races that were going on just on the other side of the parking lot. We looked that direction and my sweetie nodded his head and we started making the hike. None of us had ever seen motocross before, so we were immediately thinking this was a great new adventure.

It wasn't nearly as crowded as the racetrack and many of the people in the stands were either participants or families of participants. The track was dirt, of course, and sort of built into the hillside with lots of twists and turns and jumps. I couldn't believe how much air some of those riders got! It was amazing that no one got hurt! We did see a few drivers lay down their bikes, but they quickly climbed back on and resumed the race.

Did you know that the youngest drivers are only 6 years old?! I can't even imagine letting Curly do something like that... probably not even Sport. Although they aren't limited to guys either. We saw a few girls racing as well.

Baby Doll kept photo bombing me!
It was hot and the kids were thirsty. Thank goodness we remembered our water bottles! The thing we didn't remember was bug spray. We don't usually have to think too much about that in the Salt Lake Valley, but I guess we were close enough to the lake that it was a problem. We stayed for about an hour and every single one of us had several bites.

I tried really hard to take some pics of the bikes actually jumping and I only managed one. My cell phone was just too slow to get in on that kind of action. If we go again, I'm going to take the good camera.

And lots of bug spray.


  1. What fun! The Pass of All Passes sounds like it has been well worth it!

  2. Wow, that was a great alternate activity. Thanks for the links for free activities. I have my daughter and her family here right now for a couple of weeks and we need to look for some free activities.
    Loved the pictures and sorry about the bugs.
