
Aug 11, 2014

Letters from Teach in Texas

I have again found the joy that comes from being a missionary! And I never want to let it go! Being a missionary is such a privilege. I wish I could tell every missionary that still has a lot of time left- because it is such a joyous time.

I decided to take the counsel from my blessing and set some goals. After much thought and prayer the goal that I set was to feel the love for the people of Texas that I felt before my mission. Long ago before I'd even decided to serve I was driving home thinking about possibly serving a mission and I was overwhelmed by this love for a group of people. I had no idea who they were but the love was powerful. I have felt it in varying degrees many times on my mission, but not the full capacity that I felt that day. So my goal and prayer is to feel that love and charity for Texas again! I decided in order to help this happen I would read The Book of Mormon and find what it has to teach me about charity and love. I'm going to finish it before I go home so that has put me at reading 25 pages a day. It's a sacrifice to my nap time and other things- but it's been the best decision. The Book of Mormon draws us closer to God. I am overcome by the love that the prophets and missionaries have for those they serve. Yesterday I read the story of Zeezrom and I just thought of how quickly Alma and Amulek responded when Zeezrom called for them to come visit- that would have been hard for me to go back and see this anti-christ who had "bashed" with me. But out of the love in their hearts for the children of God they went to Zeezrom and he was baptized!

I have my exit interview tomorrow and I have to officially write my final letter to President Ames by next Monday. This is kinda like the real deal. The real countdown. It's crazy.

I am getting excited to be home. 

We are so excited for you to be home too, Teach. See you next week! :)

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome missionary Teach has been. I am excited for you all to welcome her home. I loved this one.
    Blessings and hugs for that girl.
