
Aug 23, 2014

Fun at the Safety Fair

We have had so many things to concentrate on lately! Teach is speaking in church on Sunday and we have a party planned afterward so today we cleaned the house, got groceries, and Princess made a couple hundred cookies. So when Drama Queen finally arrived around 5:00, we got ready to go to the Safety Fair.

Don't they look like twins?!
We weren't sure if they would cancel it this year. Last year the rains came and they put it off for a couple of weeks. It had been raining most of today and the fair is typically outside so we sent the Dog Walker up to see if anything was happening. He came back with the news that things were being set up but inside the Community Center this time.

It was fun but crowded! So crowded in fact that I didn't even think to take any pics inside the building. They had booths set up everywhere. We got a ton of free stuff including shirts, pens, pencils, sunglasses, bags, toothbrushes, calculators, Teach even got a flash drive! They gave us a hot dog and a drink and they had live music on the stage. My favorite freebie was a new flyswatter. I hope it works!

As we splashed through puddles and the drizzle on our way back to the car, I was glad we took the time to support this fun event put on by our city.

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I love all the fun you are having. We have our daughter and family here and are trying to do a few fun things so you have some great ideas.
