
Aug 4, 2014

First Day of School

It's been a long and busy weekend. When I look back at what we accomplished (and that doesn't even count school), I'm tired! Remember I told you my little ones had their first day of school last week? Well, Bossy posted it on Facebook for me, but I didn't get a chance to share the pics with you, so here they are.

Sport is starting 6th grade, Scout is in 3rd, and Curly is in 1st. I can't believe how fast they have all grown up!


  1. They all look great! I wish Scout's pants came in my size, they look awesome!!

  2. Looking cool! Hope they had a good first week!

  3. What sweet pictures of your children. I love them. I can't believe that school has started already. I actually loved it when school started after Labor day.
