
Aug 9, 2014

County Fair 2014

After the kids all finally got home from school today, we piled in the big van and headed down the street for the Salt Lake County Fair. We go every year, because even though we usually have to pay to park, the fair itself is free, so that's pretty cheap entertainment.

This year we didn't even have to pay to park! My Tupperware friend asked me if I would help her out and share her booth on Saturday, so I was given a Vendor's Parking pass that is good for every day of the fair. In fact, if you want to see me, head on over to the fair on Saturday and look for my booth. I won't be there until in the afternoon, but I would love it if you want to say hello.

But I digress...

Parade wave!
Today we went to the fair with the kids. Bossy also came along with her family. First we checked out Princess's cake and she got a blue ribbon, of course. :) Then we made a fun rocket like the ones we did at Pack Meeting a couple of months ago.

They had their reading program again this year and the kids got three free ride passes. After we walked the booths, we braved the heat and headed out to the carnival part of the fair. Baby Doll loved the merry-go-round and the little boats. Fajita got pretty sick on the Gravitron, but swears she didn't actually throw up...

We bought some kettle corn on our way back to the van. Taco had to be at football practice at 6:00 so we couldn't stay long. Good thing I'll be back tomorrow.

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