
Jul 2, 2014

We Love Sports!

One thing you have probably noticed about our family is that we love sports! So when the folks from asked me to write a post for their Family Fanatics campaign, I thought it might be fun. Fanatics is a leading retailer of anything sports related and although I've never shopped there, I'm sure they have some amazing things.

I have always loved sports of all kinds and it appears that I have passed that down to most of my children. It's a rare week that goes by when we aren't playing some sort of sport together. We have already had several rousing games of softball this spring. This is the first year we have actually been able to nearly field two complete teams! I play first base and I can play for hours until we wear the little kids out.

We have also played a bunch of basketball, at the local church and in our own backyard. Remember my sweetie had a court installed last summer? Sport is out there often shooting hoops. He hates it when I beat him at HORSE. And sometimes we just play a rousing game of two-hand touch football or a little badminton.

I used to be super-competitive, but as I've gotten older, I've mellowed somewhat.Teaching the kids about good-sportsmanship and losing gracefully is way more important than winning the game.

Tonight we spent the evening playing volleyball with some friends at the church. I love teaching the kids to play! I'm not a great player, but winning is not the key to every game. Most of the time the only thing that really matters is being together and having fun.

I have to keep re-teaching that lesson every time I beat Sport at another game of HORSE.

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