
Jul 20, 2014

Rocky Mountain Raceway

Remember I told you we bought the Pass of all Passes? Well one of the activities on the pass is to visit Rocky Mountain Raceway. We had never seen a car race before, but Sport really wanted to try it. He loves cars!

We headed out there about 5:00 so we could get in on some of the qualifying rounds. I wasn't sure if the kids would enjoy it or just be bored and it was so hot outside!  I didn't have to worry. Most of them were totally into the races as soon as we found our seats.

It was pretty fun! Some of those drivers are SOO crazy! The thing the kids really wanted to see was the double-deckers, which is one car on top of another one. The driver in the top car is in charge of the steering and the guy in the bottom runs the gas and breaks. Sometimes they careen around those corners so fast they are balancing on 2 wheels, but we didn't see anyone roll.

Curly was super disappointed that we didn't hang around for all the final races. I think he and Sport could have watched all night.

Right before we got ready to go, the mascot was tossing water balloons into the crowd. He would point to someone and then toss them a balloon. All the kids were hoping to be chosen so I made Bossy stand up with me so we could attract more attention. You can probably guess what happened. Yeah, he pointed at me. When he tossed the balloon, it didn't break, so I picked it up and tossed it back. Unfortunately, the balloon wasn't balanced well and it went a foot or so to the side. He was not very happy with me but he gave me a free ticket to come back on another day anyway.

By about 9:00 the kids had finally had enough. Well, most of them anyway, so we gathered our things and hit the road.

We stopped at the 7-11 on our way home and picked up our free small Slurpees from the 7-11 app.

The kids had so much fun at the track, I think we will plan another trip back out there.Maybe I'd better practice my water-balloon tossing skills...

1 comment:

  1. You do some of the funniest activities ever. I find your family so amazing and fun.
    I loved the water balloon moment.
