
Jul 31, 2014

Field Trip

You all know the Dog Walker is attending the local community college and he is getting so close to graduation! If all goes well he will graduate in December with his AS degree in pre-education. He is pretty excited to never have to worry about taking a hard math class again.

Anyway, we are in the last week of the semester and then finals are next week. That means tons of assignments and big projects are due! It's been a rough go between that, putting the little ones back in school, and starting dance and football.

Weeping Mulberry
One of his classes is Conservation Biology and he had an opportunity to take a field trip (several actually) for extra credit. So today, the Drama Queen, Bossy, Baby Doll, the Dog Walker, Crafty, Fajita, and I all headed for the Conservation Water Park in West Jordan. It's an interesting place full of different landscaping ideas for water conservancy. They mostly use drought-resistant plants and drip irrigation systems.

Testing the grass
The girls thought their garden boxes full of veggies were cool, especially the green beans with the red flowers. We have only ever planted the variety with white blooms. Their favorite tree by far was the Weeping Mulberry. It was seriously cool! The girls all hid beneath its drooping branches like they were in a little hut. I would have loved a tree like that when I was a kid!

Bossy loved all the grass displays since she is trying to decide on a variety for her backyard. It's amazing how much more water some types take than others. It might be fun to go back on another day and do senior pics for Princess. They have some beautiful little arbors and benches. We talked to the Head Landscaper and asked him all the questions we needed for the Dog Walker's final report. He was so helpful and very willing to tell about his work.

It was definitely something I would recommend if you live close by. And the best part?
It's free!

1 comment:

  1. I think my husband and I will take a trip there. We need to make our landscape in the back yard a little more desert like due to not wanting to mow a huge lawn like we do now.
    I loved the pictures and it looked like a great field trip.
    Blessings for this one; it's a great suggestion.
