
Jun 2, 2014

The Really Lost Tooth

I forgot to tell you something that happened on our trip to Tuacahn. Curly has been nursing along his very first loose tooth. He has been worried about every little bite of every little thing. I think he was expecting huge pain when that stubborn tooth finally decided to make its way out.

I told him if he would just bite into a big juicy apple that would take care of it, but he refused to take my advice. He would barely eat pizza on Friday night. He was one sad and nervous boy even though he had seen Sport lose another tooth earlier in the week with not a single tear.

Then on Saturday morning, we ate the free breakfast at the hotel. He had sort of eaten a bowl of Wheaties, but he made sure they were soggy first. He also chewed on some scrambled eggs, but he didn't get anywhere near the big bowl of beautiful green apples.

My sweetie was worried that he would be hungry later, so he brought some extra food up to the room, including an amazing blueberry bagel. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Curly's little tummy was rumbling and he started looking for something to eat. He couldn't resist that huge bagel and he begged his dad for permission to eat some of it.

He spread a generous knife-full of strawberry cream cheese on one side and carefully positioned the other side on top, making himself a bagel sandwich. He took one bite and exclaimed, "My tooth is gone!" I motioned for him to spit the bite into my hand and we carefully sorted through the half-chewed bagel, looking for the precious tooth. It was not there.

Then we examined the rest of the bagel, but we couldn't find it there either. That tooth was REALLY lost! I gently explained to Curly that he had probably swallowed it. He wanted to know what would happen to it, but I will spare you the details from the 5-year-old perspective. Suffice to say that when we got back home, Princess helped him write a long letter to the Tooth Fairy, explaining his dilemma. It must have worked, because there was a nice surprise waiting for him this morning.

And thankfully, he has given up all ideas of looking for the lost tooth.
I don't think at this point the Tooth Fairy would want it anyway. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh what a fun story. I loved it and I am smiling on this one. I am so happy to learn that the tooth fairy made it there despite the missing tooth.
    A Blessing for the little one!
