
Jun 25, 2014

Letters from Teach in Texas

We are less than two months now! Teach will be home so soon. But she certainly isn't taking a break at the end. This is what she told me this week.

The Lord is the leader in this great battle and He truly wants us to succeed as we are humble enough to ask for His help and guidance during Thursday planning. I have NEVER come so close to reaching all of my key indicator goals as we did this week. We exceeded most of our goals and fell short by a bit on a few of our goals. We had a goal to have two baptism dates and we both extended the invitation to be baptized yesterday to two of Heavenly Father's children, but they still are holding back. Last night at 7:47 we were faced with 2 more other lessons to teach, 1 work of salvation lesson, 1 contact, and 5 copies of the Book of Mormon to hand out in order to reach our goals. We asked that the Lord would help us move heaven and earth and we were able to teach 1 WOS lesson, 1 other lesson, make 2 contacts, and give out 4 BOM. 

We got home at 9:00 and were saddened that we didn't reach that other lesson goal and the hardest part of it was that the Lord gave us an opportunity to teach a lady on the street and we contacted her but we didn't teach her! We were both on our knees last night pleading for forgiveness, and we have resolved to ALWAYS share restored truths. Always. There is just no reason not to. The Lord is here to help us reach our goals. We just have to act on the opportunities. The joy of repentance is that there is no missed blessings, only missed opportunities. I feel blessed that we have been given another week to stretch forward and reach our goals.

She was super excited to attend a baptism this week of this cute girl they helped teach.

I love attending baptisms. As cliche as it sounds it really is the best part of being a missionary because the joy and the Spirit that fills the room when someone is making a covenant with God (even if they do come up from the water choking and slipping) you just know that they are thrilled. (:
It was so fun to attend the baptism. (: There were so many missionaries there and she just looked so happy! (: It was SOOOO cool.(:

Oh, and a side note. We are going to my favorite food place in all of Texas for lunch today (because we discovered there is one in our area. (: Jersey Mike's. It's a sandwich place. yummmm. (: (:

Can't wait to visit Texas and see all these awesome places and meet all these amazing people.


  1. Soon your daughter TEACH will be home, changed all for the better, if she needed any changing I don't think sooooo...She will be blessed daily by our Lord and Savior and a good fellow of your faith will soon come into her life after or during her Master's degree whee, if only others could get their kids to do somekind of religious help and help to others, they would know the word of the Lord and be so blessed and guided in their lives, it is because of you Sandy and your husband that your sweet angel of a daughter did her mission and is on fire for her faith LDS and for the Lord..I know you cannot wait to have her back home with her Mom and Dad and will go quickly, God's Blessings to you and your husband and your family...

  2. Reading your daughters missionary thoughts is always awesome. She truly had been an outstanding missionary. I am so amazed at the hastening of the work and how missionary work has been speeding a long. Your daughter is part of this great work; I think that is so wonderful.
    Two more months is so close. I remember that the last few weeks seemed long when my daughter came home.
    Blessings for this one and hugs~
