
May 30, 2014

Raingutter Regatta 2014

I don't know if you remember that Sport is turning 11 in June, but that means the end of his Cub Scouting career. He has really enjoyed having his dad and brother running the pack! Two of his favorite activities are the Pinewood Derby and the Raingutter Regatta. So my sweetie squeezed the Regatta into the schedule early so Sport would get one more chance to compete.

Then with the ball schedules and school stuff everything was just so busy! They hardly even had time to make the boats. We finally made them during Family Home Evening and we actually did the sails right after school on Tuesday which was really cutting it close since the Regatta was on Tuesday night. I think I told you already that I spent a bunch of time embroidering the hats for the winners. I also picked up and prepared the awards this time. I didn't want any problems since this was a big one for Sport and several other boys. We had 4 boys receive their Arrow of Light in one evening. I think that's a Pack record!

Anyway, my sweetie did the awards first and then we got to the races. Sport was very relieved that his dad didn't say anything TOO embarrassing about him. The races were exciting and quick. My sweetie insists on using electric fans rather than having the boys blow on them. I think that's partly because we have a boy with asthma and my sweetie understands how unfair that sort of competition can be.

We were so surprised when Sport's boat came in first place! And then even more surprised when Curly won first place in Open Class! Prima Donna's boat was chosen the Best Looking Boat in the Open Class, so we brought 3 of those hats back home with us. The kids were pretty excited.

My sweetie put his boat and the Dog Walker's boat up against each other for the last race. But they don't participate in the same sort of prizes as the other people do, so when my sweetie hesitated over what might be awarded, I shouted out that the winner could take me out to dinner. That got a chuckle from the crowd, but the Dog Walker suddenly got really nervous when his boat won. Turns out he didn't really want to buy me dinner. I think the part he missed was that his dad would be paying either way.

So we decided on breakfast instead and the Dog Walker took me, Curly, and Baby Doll to breakfast at Chick-filA this morning. Thank goodness for free coupons (and chicken minis).


  1. This sounds like such a fun scout activity! That's too cute that Dog Walker was worried about taking you out for dinner!

  2. Oh, my gosh this was a great event. We served for years in with the boy scouts and I loved the pine wood derby. We didn't do the boat thing. We of course, did win a few times with the cars.
    Awesome that Dog Walker was able to take you to breakfast. You do the funniest things with your family.
    Blessings and hugs!
