
May 18, 2014

Guest Blogger: Playing Baseball by Elder Dog Walker

I know that I'm still a missionary and you were hoping that I would write something about my mission, but Mom wanted me to guest blog about what we've done today. We've done a lot of fun things today, but for now, she asked me to talk about one fun thing. We went down to a park near my sister, Bossy's house and we played a game of baseball. We wanted to have some fun while we were doing that. We were a bit disappointed that one park that we thought we go to was packed with a lot of people. But we went down to a baseball field where it was considered as being the Sandlot. We were playing some practice at first and then we were playing a game for real. Some of the time, when I was asked to bat up, I did and then I accidentally made a home run hit and the ball went over the fence and into the canal. Mom was totally upset that it was one of her best softballs. Anyway, we continued to play some, and some of the time right when a sibling hit the ball at bat, I was running from second base to third and Sport was trying to get the ball and he was right on my path that there was no way I could slow down and then I accidentally collided into him and we both got road-rashed. He thought I did that on purpose but it was really an accident, he some gets way too upset to admit that every accident that I cause he thinks there not accidents at all. Anyway, once we were done playing a game, Mom and Dad kind of made a bribery deal to all of us. They would hit some balls with the bat and see if all of us can trying catching the long balls without dropping them. If we did get the balls without dropping them to the ground, each of us would get five dollars. I thought that is totally bribing, but Mom and Dad were just trying to be nice. It took us like almost an hour for everyone to try to catch the balls without a single bounce from the ground. It was close to dusk and then we got done when everybody got the chance to catch the long balls. We went home and celebrated the rest of Bean Dip's birthday with the family before his actual birthday the following week.

1 comment:

  1. I always love your guest posts. It sound like a fun and challenging night of playing ball.
    Blessings to you!
