
May 28, 2014

A Letter from Teach in Texas


Our work space
Hello my dear family and friends whom I love greatly!
So. First of all, good news is that I'm not getting transferred. I get to stay here with the members and investigators I love dearly. (: I am going to finish training one of my companions and the other is going down south to be a STL! (: I'm excited for her. She has served in the south before... it's hot down there!
Speaking of hot, things are really starting to inch up to the summer months. Humidity, tornado weather, and short sleeve shirts. It's HOTTTT! but, it will just get worse as the locals always love to inform us. (: Buckle down. It'll be a wild hot summer!
Here is the weekly update on our wonderful people. We have a family that we taught 2 weeks ago. (: I love them. They were a potential and we knocked on their door during a rain storm and they let us in. So we set a return appointment for yesterday. We had taught them lesson 1 (aka the restoration) and had handed out a BOM to each member of the family. This time when we went everyone was home PLUS the dad!! (: Woot for getting the head of the household involved in the lesson. We were very happy about that. So we reviewed lesson one.
We had a member with us who is preparing to serve a mission and she shared her testimony of the BOM powerfully. (: I absolutely love opening my mouth and proclaiming that there is a prophet on the earth today. One of the investigators is 16 and she was SHOCKED that there was a prophet. (: In a good way. She was just like, "He is a prophet for everyone? Does everyone know that? How does he know he is the prophet? What if he says no? Does he ever talk to the people?" Spitfire. It was swell. They are committed to coming to church on Sunday, (: so we are excited. (:
Ok, So we do a TON of member work here and we were extremely excited when we were offered an opportunity to work with the activity day girls. We got to go to activity days and talk to those precious young souls about what it is like to be a missionary. They even got little name tags and their own mission calls. Sometimes I feel like a celebrity as a missionary. We truly are the servants of the Lord spreading His gospel. That. is. so. cool. (:
One more miracle story for ya... so there was a former investigator that they taught before I got here but it turns out he didn't live in the area and then he got a job that made him travel and eventually he had to stop taking the lessons back in... January. We have been praying for people to find and lead him to baptism so we were STOKED when we got this text saying, "Hi, this is _____, Aaron (fellowshipper) introduced us at his place and you guys were introducing me to the plan. Do you remember me?" Of course our jaws drop and we text him back and let him know that we are different missionaries, but yes! He asks if he can give us a call. He calls and I talk to him. His life had brought him back around and he wanted to learn more!!! (: We contacted Aaron. Then... turns out we talked to the investigator and he is living nearby. I called him to tell him that we need to help him get in contact with the missionaries in his ward... Get this. Literally while I'm on the phone he says, "Wait, hold on. they're calling me. The caller ID says LDS Missionaries." So he talks to them and it all works out. BUT THE BEST PART EVER... He lives in the ward my old companion is serving in. (: So she gets to continue to teach him. Obviously the church is true. (:


  1. Yes, the church is so true and I love reading about the missionary miracles that happen each day.
    I love that you post her thoughts; I loved this one!
    Blessings and hugs for her!
