
Apr 25, 2014

Singing in the Tabernacle

Sorry I missed a post. I don't even have the excuse of a ballgame today. :)

The Dog Walker sings in the Institute Choir and today they had a major concert downtown at the Tabernacle. He was nervous and didn't want to go, mostly because he had a couple of assignments that were due by midnight and he worried about being gone all day and still getting them in on time. (He got them in just fine, of course!) But I finally convinced him that all would be well and he caught up with the carpool at 3:00.

We started our girl scout meeting about the same time. Bossy and I had prepared a lesson on Japan and Princess helped all the girls with origami. Then we made fans and carved block prints. It was fun but messy.

We cleaned up quickly at 4:30 when the girls took off. Fajita had a softball game and Bossy was anxious to get on the road. I had to load the kids, drive to my sweetie's work and then finish the trip downtown. Crafty, Princess, and Prima Donna had a big dance rehearsal for their competition next week, so they didn't come with us.

We got there a few minutes early so we wandered City Creek mall and watched the fountain's special show at 6:00. Then we headed for Temple Square. I was disappointed to learn that kids under 8 would not be allowed in the Tabernacle itself, but I was able to take Curly and Baby Doll into a "cry-room" to watch the performance. My sweetie took Sport and Scout onto the main floor.

The combined institute choirs sang some of my favorite songs for about an hour. We couldn't hear as well in our little room, but it was still beautiful. When it was over, we walked over to the South Visitors' Center to use the restrooms. The kids wandered around for about half an hour until the Dog Walker started stressing his assignments.

So we walked back through City Creek to our van and drove my sweetie back to work and then came home. I took a few pictures for you, but most of them are at the fountain since I was in a little booth with a window and it reflected my flash.

Tomorrow is Girls' Pref at the high school and Princess has a date. It is a costume dance and they are going as Danny and Sandy from Grease. I promise I will get you some good pics from that.

We just need to figure out how to rat her hair without pulling it all out...

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