
Apr 21, 2014

Real Meaning of Easter

Easter has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the cool spring weather and the newness and rebirth. I love the baby animals and the promise of summer. There's baseball and softball and just a whisper of the end of the school year approaching.

And we still enjoy the Easter Bunny and all that entails. We dye eggs, hide them, hunt them, and eat lots of candy and traditional treats. My sweetie makes the best deviled eggs! Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in those things and there are some years that I must admit to planning more for that part of Easter than I do for the real celebration of Jesus Christ's Atonement, death and subsequent resurrection.

I was a bit chastened when Teach reminded me that her whole life revolves around the teachings of the Savior right now and she sent me a link. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done a wonderful job putting together this video to help us all remember the true meaning of the Easter season.

You know I'm not a preachy sort of person and rarely do I get on my soapbox about religion, but I want all of you to know that I try my best to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, my Redeemer, my brother, my friend. I know He atoned for my sins because He loves me. And He loves you too.

Here is the video Teach shared with me. Take 3 minutes and watch it. It might just change your life.

Thanks for being my friends.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!