
Apr 23, 2014

News from Teach in Texas

Pics from Teach's 17th birthday in 2008.
Teach is doing wonderfully well on her mission in Texas! Sometimes I think we miss her more than she misses us. She is always so busy making herself into a better person while sharing the gospel with everyone she sees.

We are working with the members here to move forward in the work of salvation. We have SO many members with so many friends they are sharing the gospel with- we are now working to connect the dots and build the bridge to the next step. The members are finding- and we just want to be able to teach their friends! We are working with the Ward Mission Leader and he is working with the bishop to see what we can do to make these dots connect so we can find more people to teach!

She had a wonderful Easter spent with a member family.

We went to church for Easter. Fabulous. I love church. We had 3 investigators there! (: And our recent convert's grandma who we are going with to dinner this week. (: So exciting. We did our studies and then went to dinner with a member family. They were really sweet. Tasty food and then we taught about the Plan of Salvation. After that we tried to visit members and less actives but... NOBODY was answering. And it rained. So it coulda been considered a pretty miserable day. But we kept smiles on our faces and kept going. (: We met with one of my favorite investigators that night. We just stopped in. They are a Catholic family, but they LOVE us. (: She gave us some cake and we showed her the video Because of Him. Then we helped her family clean up all of their Easter egg hunt. (: Such a fab family. They just need to be baptized. (: 

She continues to be in awe of the people. She loves them and serves them every day.

Scout looks just like Baby doll does now!
I love being a missionary. It is always a world of exciting adventure. This week we pulled up to the house of a less active. Well... we tried. But she lived ON a GOLF COURSE! And there was a guard at the gate and they wouldn't let us in to the neighborhood without seeing our ID and calling the family! It was so weird! I swear. It's like the movies. We ate dinner at the golf club restaurant of yet another golf course in our area. (: These people are wealthy. But they love us. And I love them. (: They are such good people. Their hearts are in the right place and they love the Lord. They have real struggles and concerns. They have broken hearts and rough days. It's just... so incredible how the Gospel Of Jesus Christ reaches out to everyone. Come ye Disconsolate. (:

I am so very proud of her and her great attitude. She shared with me this final wish.

Silly girl. :) Miss your cheesy smile so much!

Mom. I'm so grateful to be a missionary. The time truly has flown by. I can't believe I will be home in 4 months. It's a very happy thought... but at the same time... there are so many blessings and life experiences I won't be able to have when the calling is gone. It is just such a privilege. I wish everyone could just... serve at least one mission at some point in their life time! (:


  1. It is so wonderful to read Teach's letters! You can tell she loves the people she is serving so much!

  2. What a daughter, like I have been e-mailing she is changed forever and what a missionary for your church and faith..She will be double blessed by the Lord, if she continues in graduate school she will do an excellent job on her studies and the Lord will send her a mate who is looking for a sweet spiritual young lady on fire for the Lord...She is so wonderful, it makes me whole week to read about what she is doing..I know you are so proud and your husband too of your wonderful daughter, what an example for the Lord, her family and your faith..ciaoX!()!

  3. Only 4 months to go it will fly right by and she will be home in your arms soon..How proud you must be, she has learned so much and can testify to all about her faith and what it means! The good Lord will DOUBLY BLESS HER LIFE AND YOURS TOO FOR HER SERVICE IN THIS MISSION..ciao & best wishes for a soon to be reunion!
