
Apr 19, 2014

Good Friday

Got my learner's permit today!!
Today was a good day. Princess got up early and made hot cross buns for everyone while I took Prima Donna out to the DMV to get her Learner's Permit.

Then I went to the store and bought 15 dozen eggs for the kids to color. Later when I realized Bossy had not had time to pick up some for her family, I went back and bought 6 dozen more. Yeah, they thought I was a bit crazy. I had the same checker both times.

The Dog Walker had homework (as usual, it's not spring break for him!) so we worked that in between our other festivities. The kids all colored pictures for the coloring contest at the grocery store and I tried to get them to do some chores, but they were just too excited.

I made dinner and my sweetie came home from work just in time to boil eggs. I've never been much good at that, especially in such massive quantities. He put 18 dozen eggs in two of our huge stockpots and babied them along until they came out just perfect! Except for the half dozen or so that cracked. He turned those into some super-delicious deviled eggs we ate with dinner.

We spent the evening coloring eggs. I mostly took pictures and let the little ones do mine. The kids are so creative and I just don't have the patience to be that awesome.

After sharing the story of Jesus's betrayal by Judas from the New Testament, Bossy and her family were on their way home. We have big plans for tomorrow and a couple of egg hunts.

The kids put out their Easter baskets, just hoping that the Easter Bunny might stop by to fill them up. He generally comes on Friday night at our house, remember. That way we can do the secular part of Easter on Saturday and the more spiritual part on Sunday. It works well for us anyway.

I hope you are all having a wonderful spring break and a Happy Easter.


  1. Oh my I have missed so many of your posts. I am still not through with my blog vacation. I really like this one;always cute family moments.
    I couldn't resist doing an Easter post and then reading a few from dear friends like you.
    Have a Happy Easter Day.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. I like that idea of doing baskets on Good Friday. It's hard sometimes to remember the reason for this wonderful, blessed season!

    Happy Easter!
