
Apr 1, 2014

Ghosts Make All the Difference

Even the program was blurry and creepy!
Pretty sure I've told you that the Drama Queen is now actually in charge of the Drama Dept at her high school. It's a little school, but still a big job and she takes it very seriously!

She came home this weekend for a few hours even though she had to be back at school to help with Prom on Saturday night. Her Spring One Act play started today and she had to get some props and fix some costumes... you know, all that stuff that a drama teacher does?

She borrowed a shovel and I donated a zipper for one of the costumes because it had broken and she really didn't have time to run by a store and pick up another one. After fixing the zipper she sewed two creepy little dolls that were carried by a couple of extra ghosts in her version of Hamlet. But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.

When she finally had everything together, she took off. On her way out the door, she again invited us to come and see her play. She had rewritten Shakespeare. Oh, not the words, but definitely the flavor of the show. She took the original Hamlet play with only the ghost of his father, the dead king, and she added a bunch of new characters (all ghosts) that livened things up a bit (no pun intended). The ghosts were fun and different and they helped explain the show to little ones (like mine) that might not really understand what was going on given the language. It was clever and creative and pretty amazing!
Not the pic I was expecting, but fun anyway!

It took us almost an hour and a half to get there and then we had the other long drive back, but it was definitely worth the time spent. After the play was over we all went out to eat at Wendy's. Drama Queen took a pic for me but forgot to send it to my email so I could include it. Hopefully this will remind her and I will add it. :)

That is if she even has time to read the blog today. She has another performance tonight.
Break a leg!
Not that you need a good luck wish, you are already incredibly amazing, love you, so proud of you!

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