
Apr 7, 2014

Conference Sunday

We got up after 9:00 and ate delicious German pancakes my sweetie made. He really is such a good cook! Before long it was time to turn on General Conference. I love it when we can hear from the leaders of our church without having to get dressed up and head for the stake center.

My favorite talk was about a boy who was lost and he prayed for help. Shortly after that a lady was driving by on a dark road. She saw him, but did not stop. A moment later she had a second prompting to help that boy so she turned her car around and helped him find his way home. I loved that story because she said that it changed her life about listening to promptings and he said it changed his life because he knew that God loved him and cared about him. Prayer is such an amazing thing! Even more amazing is the fact that it is available to everyone, not matter age, gender, ethnicity, or station in life. God loves us all.

Like yesterday, I have a difficult time just sitting around watching TV even if it was General Conference, so when Drama Queen asked me if I wanted a pedicure, I was all over it! It wasn't long before she was painting everyone's toes and then their fingers. She had me take this super fun pic for you. Any guess which toes are mine?

Baseball schedules came out today. Remember that crazy life I told you was coming?
It's here.


  1. I LOVED that story about the boy who was lost too! And how fun to do pedicures! I gave myself a pedicure during the Priesthood session, that was my tradition with friends growing up!

  2. Blessings to your precious family.
