
Mar 26, 2014

Off Track Party

Did I tell you my kids went off track on Friday? We have a whole month for them to be home this time! I just love having them around. Other than the fact that the house gets messier. You would think it would be just the opposite, and sometime during their time off I usually get them to clean their rooms, but they love having time to do all the things they miss when they have school every day and sadly, chores are not on that list!

So Monday was their first day off. It was also the Chick-fil-A off track party, so we headed out there for a free breakfast for the kids. Baby Doll and I had to use our free coupons from the Safety Fair, but it worked out great.

This off track party was sponsored by a Dental Office, so we spent part of the time learning how to care for our teeth. The kids also made these fun mouths out of marshmallows, but they were terribly offended when they had to glue them with actual glue!!  They would much rather have eaten them.

They also had some fun pics for the kids to color, and if you know my kids, they take coloring VERY seriously.

We could only stay for the first half of the party since Sport had to be to work at the preschool at 10:00, so we don't know if they had the Cow out or anything else interesting, but we certainly enjoyed the time we were there.

Thanks, Chick-fil-A.


  1. Wow! Chick-fil-a does some cool events! Hope you enjoy your month off track!

  2. There are no chick fil a's around here and I doubt they would give out anything! You live in a family friendly state Utah, where families are appreciated, further out in the pacific northwest not so much, too many after the almight buck and couples are married with no children up in seattle if married at all! I like you have nice sunny and dry weather almost all of the year..Off track, won't happen here the teachers unions would kabash that plus school starts in august and ends in june 180 full days and if snow oh, they go to school to nearly july, must get those 180 days in somehow!

  3. You are such a fun mother. I am sure your children love the time off and the more relaxed schedule for keeping their room clean.
    Blessings to you all and enjoy the moments~
