
Mar 4, 2014

Letters from Texas

It's been a rough few weeks for Teach. Her companion has been sick and they haven't been able to accomplish as much as she would like to. Now when she is finally getting a little better, Teach is being transferred to a new area.

I'm getting transferred! I don't know how I feel about it. Lots of emotions. I'm going to the really rich area of Texas- it's a planned community ... it's so odd. I won't be a STL and I'm sad to leave Sister Loveland. :(  

She has a good attitude for the most part. She knows that everything happens for a reason, but that still doesn't make it easy to change. She told her mission president...

Teach and Baby Scout - 2006
Thank you so much for your diligent effort and concentration in preparing transfers this time around. I know that they are inspired from Heaven and I'm excited to serve. It will be a new experience but that is what missionary work is all about anyway, right? Meeting more people to invite to come to Christ and enter into the waters of baptism. I wanted to say thank you for allowing me to serve the sisters throughout the mission as a Sister Trainer Leader. It was such a humbling task and I have been able to recognize and help other sisters recognize the spiritual gifts that the Lord has granted them with. I am excited to have the opportunity to have a STL that I can turn to now and rely on when things are difficult and build those eternal friendships. 

Even though we fast here once a month on fast Sunday, it has never been extremely spiritual because there are always reasons some people can't fast. But in Texas, she had an opportunity to really learn about fasting. Again, she told her mission president...

 I want to thank you for the powerful opportunity to have a true fast. My eyes were opened to the power of the Lord and the angels that are around us. I feel like fasting is a newly discovered tool that I didn't even know I had access to! 

Selfie of Teach - 2007
 Like opening up a tool box and finding a shiny hammer inside that you wish you'd been using all along. I followed the instructions you had given us in MLC and Zone Conference and I also followed the promptings and direction I received throughout the month as I continued to study the law of the fast. I was impressed to fast specifically to ask the Lord to prepare us as missionaries here in Texas to be ready for the Lord's blessing of technology in our mission. I didn't know at first if I was asking for the right thing, but as you said, the closer your fast gets to ending the closer you become to the Lord, and I felt the Lord confirm to my heart that my prayer was heard. I also know the things I need to improve on to prepare my area for the blessing of technology. 
Selfie of Teach - 2008

I am so proud of her positive willing nature! She is a wonderful missionary and do you know that she only has about 24 weeks left? That's less than 6 months! 

I am grateful for real change. I am grateful that I can be constantly coming closer to the Lord. I received a very strong witness yesterday during my fast that the Lord uses us as builders of His kingdom. I am not meant to build the entire kingdom, but He uses each of us when He needs us. I have done what He needs me to do here in Arlington and as a Sister Trainer Leader. He does have a new path for me. I am ready to follow that path onward and upward!
Sister Teach, you are so amazing! Finish strong and hurry home soon.


  1. I can't believe its already been a year! It sounds like Teach has learned a lot and been a great missionary!

  2. Soon your wonderful daughter will return to your arms and her home of birth..How wonderful that will be, she is changed already, lots of things happen for a reason loving the Lord to me is great, most don't get to speak of their religions and she is on fire for GOD, he will send her a wonderful mate in due season. Her experiences will help her in this life and after too..What a wonderful young lady, her graduate studies will go fast and she will be rewarded with a mate for this life and beyond..Praying for her speedy and safe return into her familia, with great joy and God's Blessings, ciaoXXX()()()()()

  3. I can tell that Teach is a wonderful missionary. You must be so pleased with her attitude and faithfulness. You are an amazing mother and father. Teach has been taught well.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
