
Mar 21, 2014

Guest Blog: Choirside on Sunday by Elder Dog Walker

I know I've been asked to Guest Blog and talk more about my mission. There's something new about to happen that the Riverton seminary asked me to be with this Sunday. I've been asked to be in a Choirside with the missionaries who are part of it. It's about narrating a hymn and the choir sings the last two verses of the hymn. The hymn that we'll be doing is in hymn number six. Redeemer of Israel. I've been asked to narrate the 4th verse of that hymn. Then the fifth and sixth verse will be sung. I wish that you can be able to see me and the missionaries perform in the Church Choirside. I hope that if there was a picture of it or not, then I could show you of how the Choirside went and how it is a great activity for a missionary.


  1. I've never heard of a choirside, but I love the idea of it! I hope you enjoy it and will tell us how it goes! I bet the seminary loves having you there as a missionary!

  2. Sounds wonderful ,thanks for sharing.

  3. What a wonderful thing you are doing with the group and choir..God is blessing your life and your familia for all you do..Gee what a wonderful young man has in you and your faith and familia..god's richest blessings dog walker and to your familia too!

  4. I think this is an outstanding idea. I would love to hear this one. You are being so blessed on this mission. May blessings continue for you!

  5. Thanks for sharing her activity.I hope you will fulfill her dream.I bless for you.
