
Mar 24, 2014

Girl Scouts at Curves

I'm always looking for new ideas for my Girl Scout troop. It's a real challenge keeping 10 girls interested in projects and activities. They all have such different personalities. I think I told you already that I decided on health and nutrition for our spring activities. We did that fun Zumba class a couple of weeks ago with the Curves Zumba instructor, and this week we actually went to Curves.

Because the girls are under the age of 18, I had to get their parents to sign waivers, so that was a bit of a pain, but other than that, it was all fun. My good friend and the owner of our Curves, Margaret, started with a nutrition game where there girls talked about healthy food and how to eat better, then we got a chance to all work out on the machines. She had each girl demonstrate one machine and how to do it properly and they she just let the girls go. For the most part they did really well and they absolutely loved it! I couldn't hardly get them to leave, especially Scout.

We did the circuit once and then Margaret taught the girls how to use the stretching machine, but it
wasn't long before they all drifted back to the machines.
I wish I had that much enthusiasm for exercise!
Way to go, Scout!


  1. Wow, I wish I had the energy to exercise at Curves. I can only manage walking a bit and biking. I am not back into it yet. I love kids and their enthusiasm for life experiences.
    Blessings to all!
