
Mar 8, 2014

DARE Assembly

Today was the DARE assembly. Sport got to read his essay to about 300 people. He did a fabulous job, of course. He never seems to get nervous about being in front of people. Maybe it's just because he wanted this so badly.

When I first got to the school, I saw the DARE car parked on the sidewalk. I just had to take a pic for Sport since cars are his favorite thing in the world.

He received a bag of goodies for winning the essay contest. There was a water bottle, pencil bag, pencils, stickers, pencil sharpener, stuff like that, but the best thing was the glow-in-the-dark DARE shirt!

All of the kids, including Sport received the red t-shirts. They have different ones every year and I was happy to see that this year they had a pic of the DARE car on it.

I think I need to stop writing posts at 3:00 AM. This one seems a bit disjointed. Or maybe it's because we played (and lost) the second game of our basketball tournament tonight so our team is finished for the season. It was a good game though. I was the top scorer for our team with 8 points and Bossy had 7. Between the 2 of us we made exactly half the points for the team.

I've still got so much to finish up before my surgery on Monday. I got the official time today, 12:10. At least that means I won't have to get up incredibly early and have to worry about the kids getting to school by themselves.

I hope you enjoy the DARE pics. If Sport weren't so set on being an engineer like his dad, I think he might become a police officer just so he could drive that DARE car every once in a while.


  1. That's one cool DARE car! I remember doing DARE, but our car was something old and ghetto with a less than great paint job!

  2. That's awesome, especially since it's a corvette! If he likes cars so much, why doesn't he become a mechanic?
