
Feb 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Awww Valentine's Day. More commonly known as "Single's Awareness Day" around here...

This year was totally different for us.

Some things were the same. The elementary-aged kids made their valentines for their friends at school and they put together shoe boxes with hearts and stuff to carry them in. Prima Donna even helped Curly make his look like Sebastian in honor of the Operetta coming up in a couple of weeks. We filled some cute Tupperware water bottles with hearts and kisses for their teachers and a couple of them took a regular-sized Hershey bar for their most favorite friend of the opposite sex. (Sebastian just happens to fancy himself in love with Ariel!)

The older girls prepared candy bars for each of their teachers and a special friend or two. Princess and Crafty made this deal to just give a Hershey bar to some random boy they didn't even know and wish him a Happy Valentine's Day. Princess picked a boy sitting alone at lunch, handed him the bar with a smile and a wish and walked away. I'm sure getting that sweet treat from a beautiful girl totally made his day!

The Dog Walker made his first trip to the temple! That was a wonderful amazing experience. He truly looks so good all dressed in white! Eternity seemed much closer as we all hugged in the Celestial Room. My sweetie commented on the day when we would have all 12 of them (and hopefully spouses!) there with us. That would be the best. day. ever!

My sweetie surprised me with a new electric blanket. He worries so much about me staying warm and mine was only half working. He also got up early and made me a batch of toffee, my favorite, but usually only a treat for Christmas time. Another reason (if you are counting) that I've kept this man around for 31+ years.

He also took me dancing and then out to dinner at Red Robin. The kids stayed here and had fun together except for Crafty who went to a movie with some friends. Prima Donna made these amazing heart-shaped potatoes and little smokies. The Dog Walker made sparkling red jello, and Bossy took the little ones to her house to make and decorate sugar cookies. Princess even got invited to Prom!

It was a beautiful, happy day. Hope yours was just as sweet!


  1. What a special day! So happy for y'all! What a big step for Dog Walker! Red Robin sounds delicious right now, and that reminds me that we have a coupon for a free burger, so we better head there soon!

    Happy Weekend!

  2. What an Amazing Day. I too look forward to the day when we can have all of our kids (and hopefully spouses) in the temple with us!

  3. It looks like you all had a very Happy Valentine's Day.
    We went to the temple with our grandson for his endowment. It was sweet. I do remember the one day we had all of our children in the temple and it was just a day full of joy.
    Blessings and hugs!
