
Feb 9, 2014

Getting Ready for the Ball

My sweet Princess had a date for the Sweetheart's Dance tonight. She worked for 5 1/2 hours and then had about 30 minutes to get ready. The Drama Queen had everything laid out and ready to do her hair as soon as she was dressed.

The little sisters hovered around, just dying to be part of the excitement. It wasn't long before they were all dressed in their "princess" clothes too. Then they got in line to have their hair and makeup done. We teased Scout mercilessly about her little crush. I threatened to text all the pictures of her to his mom.

Princess and Scout
OK, so this is a good story. Her little guy is on my basketball team. This morning at our last game he came up to her with his awesome black basketball that he never lets anyone shoot and said, "You can use my ball today!" She turned a beautiful shade of pink, but accepted the ball and started shooting. This guy is also in her class at school and he walks her home (along with her brothers) every day. Sounds pretty obvious to me, what do you think?

So back to our princess party...

The Drama Queen made Princess even more beautiful (if that is possible), my sweetie snapped a few pics and we sent her out the door. She is number 4 of my 8 daughters. Baby Doll will be old enough to date in 13 years and she'll be putting on the lipstick for real. Want to take any guesses on how old I will be?

Yeah, almost a senior citizen...


  1. 63 is not too bad to be a Mother, a Mother like you are to all your kids, I never realized you had 8 daughters what a blessing, lots of weddings you will have in your lifetime, that makes 4 sons only..How wonderful you have such a loving, faithful family, if only more Mother's and Daddy's could be as wonderful as you both are..It would truly be a loving God inspired world, your teach on a mission home soon, your son on a mission living at home attending college to boot..What a wonderful wonderful family you are raising and have raised, I thank the Lord for your Blog, you are really an inspiration for many in our world, God's Blessings and your daughter looked and looks so very sweet..hope she had a wonderful dance and for a wonderful future to may God Bless her and your family..Happy first of the week..ciao & luvX()X()

  2. What a precious moment to enjoy with your daughters. Your Princess is beautiful. I guess I have never put it together that you have 8 daughters. Wow, how fun is that??
    Blessings for you for all you do.

  3. What a beautiful moment. I love that all the sisters got involved in the fun. That is very sweet.

  4. I bet that was so bittersweet. Being a part of their lives and watching them grow into beautiful mini adults, is a blessing. It's hard watching them grow too though, because they're not our wee babes anymore.
    She's beautiful

  5. You will be 60 something then? I will be 50 when Ms Rosalie starts school, she will be 5 in April. Which means I will be 63 and hubby will be 68 when she graduated from High school. :)

  6. They look so pretty! Love the story about the basketball!
