
Feb 7, 2014

A Missionary Letter

Dear Elder,

You are a missionary!!! :) :)
Do you know how cool that is???
Do you love being a missionary?
How is it working in the seminaries?
Mom said you love your name tag, is that true? I love my name tag too.
Do you wake up at 6:30 and go to bed at 10:30?
Do you exercise 30 minutes?
Have you read all of the Book of Mormon?
Are you studying Preach My Gospel?
I think that is all of my questions. :)

I want you to know that I am so proud of you. This is such an amazing thing for our family. You and I are pioneers in our family. Just like on Trek. We are blazing a trail so all of our siblings can serve missions. There are going to be a lot of Elders and Sisters by the time we are done! :)

I love you and miss you. I am so glad you worked hard and had so much faith and you truly repented of anything you have ever done wrong. Do you know that you are clean? Like the day you were baptized? I am so glad you have that.

You are now part of Heavenly Father's and Jesus Christ's army and you have (the gift of) the Holy Ghost. :)

You HAVE to read your scriptures every day and write in your journal EVERY night. Never quit praying. This is the important stuff.

I love you.

Love Sister Teach


  1. How wonderful for your children to be missionaries of their faith! It goes to show you that your love and nurturing of your faith and as a family has really paid off..congratulations to your son and daughter, the time will fly right by and your daughter will be home very soon..It makes my day to read your blog and see how on fire your children are for their faity..If only other kids could have parents who truly love and guide them, juvenile justice systems would be empty and our world would be full of happy young adults..Also hope you are getting some rest and recuperating from the stuff you had recently..have a most wonderful weekend..ciao and my love & always God's richest blessingsX()X()(X)(X)(X):):):)

  2. I mean to say for their FAITH!

  3. What a very sweet letter from your daughter to your son. I loved this one.
    Blessings to these two.
