
Dec 20, 2013

That's What Christmas is All About

Curly has a new identity. He wants to be Santa Claus! Young and innocent, he loves being part of anything and everything about the holiday season. He found this Santa hat and the bag, then he filled the bag with some of his own toys. He was so excited that my sweetie let him carry the jingle bells around for a while.

Did I ever tell you about those bells? That sounds like a story for my sweetie to share...

Since Gamer's baptism last week he and Bossy have been so sweet to each other. It is almost like when they were dating. No, scratch that, it's even BETTER than when they were dating. The part you can't see is the mistletoe just above the camera line. Oh, I'm going to be in so much trouble for putting this on the blog! :)

It's so easy to get caught up in all the other parts of the holiday celebrations. And I love the hustle and bustle, the shopping, the cooking, the wrapping, the giving...

Much love and laughter and tenderness, pure and sweet. I love that part of Christmas!

When we remember the life lived by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and we try to be more like him, that is the true beauty of the season. That's what Christmas is all about.

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