
Dec 31, 2013

Down and Out

I had every intention of posting yesterday. We also had wonderfully fun family time planned that included a similar stay in a cheap hotel like last year. But then I woke up.

I can only recall one other time when I had a headache so badly that I was disoriented and I just wanted to throw up. That was
after Sport was born on his blessing day. Right after he was blessed I took him to the nursing room and then I couldn't even stand up to walk to the car, I was so dizzy. I threw up in the nursing room garbage and my sweetie took me straight to bed. Which was crazy because we had a huge family gathering that day without me. It turned out that I had a middle ear infection and antibiotics took care of the problem.

So yesterday I tried to recover, but every time I opened my eyes the pounding would begin again. I crawled back in bed and pulled the covers over my head to block out the light. I was miserable. My sweetie kept coming in to check on me. "Should I cancel the reservations?" he must have asked me a dozen times. I didn't want to disappoint the kids so I just kept begging him to wait for one more hour.

By 4:00 I could finally open my eyes. I was sweaty and shaky, but at least I could get out of bed.  We decided to postpone the trip until it could be fun for all of us. The kids took the disappointment better than I thought they would. They were all just concerned about me.

As a consolation prize we decided to use our free coupons for Applebees so we all went out to dinner. Can you believe I fed all ten of us at Applebees for $46 and that included a $10 tip for our server? Then we came home and watched Monsters University. I hadn't seen it before, but it was Princess's gift to the family for Christmas. I'm not a Monster's Inc fan, but it was cute and a nice distraction.

When it was over I came in the office to give you an update but our internet service was down. I waited for half an hour and then decided I'd better get some sleep. Thanks for being patient with me. I still want to put up my 4th quarter review, so you will hear from me again later this evening. I hope you all have a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to the migraine headache thing. I am sorry you couldn't do the hotel stay but i liked your alternative plan and I am glad you were well enough to go.
