
Nov 18, 2013

We All Enjoyed the Big Dance

Princess had a date to Bingham Ball on Saturday night. I'll try to get her to tell you about everything in a day or two, but I just want to tell you the part we experienced. I know, that sounds weird, huh?! How did we get to be part of Princess's special date?

We did all the things we normally do. I paid for her tickets and made her a jacket to go over her dress. I ordered the boutonniere and helped her pick it up. They were having dinner at one of the girl's homes and we were in charge of the cranberry/7-up drink. All in all our role was pretty easy.

On Thursday, we got a huge piece of news! Apparently one of the girls in Princess's group had a mom who drove limousines as a part-time job. She decided to ask her boss if any cars were still available for Saturday night. He responded that yes, his biggest limo, a stretched Escalade, just happened to be unrented. And yes, she could take it for the evening...for FREE!!!

Princess was pretty excited about this prospect, but it was nothing compared to the way my little guys were feeling. They were ecstatic! The only problem was that we weren't sure if they would even get to see it. Then on Friday I was at the high school for the Reflections luncheon and so was our limo-driving mom. I just mentioned to her how much the boys would LOVE to see the limo and she promised a drive-by!

So the night of the big dance came. Princess was picked up in a regular car with the promise that they would return in the limo. At 7:15, Princess texted me that they were leaving. We pulled on shoes and coats, turned off the lights, and headed for the porch. It was cold and the kids were impatient. After about 20 minutes another text came in..."Maybe on the way home.."

The boys were devastated! They figured nothing would happen now, so we headed about our evening activities. Imagine my surprise when Princess texted at 9:50. "We should be there in about 30 minutes." I waited for 15 minutes and then started gathering the kids. Once again we pulled on coats and shoes. The Dog Walker thought to bring out my little space heater and that kept us pretty warm. A few minutes later my sweetie brought everyone a cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. This was turning into a real party.

Then it came. The last text. "She said they can ride in it for a sec..."

It was after 10:00 and there was still a fair amount of whooping and hollering at the news! Five minutes later they pulled up to the house. The limo was 39 feet long and took up the majority of the park strip. The driver (Kara's mom) hopped out and came around the car. She pulled open the space-aged rise up door complete with hydraulics. The kids all piled in, on, and around Princess and her friends and their dates.

They were SOOO excited! The neon in the car flashed and twinkled as the door was pulled closed and then they were off.

After about 5 minutes the limo pulled back onto our street. I left the warmth of my little heater on the porch and hurried across the grass to greet them. The little ones tumbled out with huge grins on their faces. I reminded them to be grateful and we all headed for the house.

It was a good day.


  1. What a charming sweet event. I think it was an awesome moment of time.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. That is SO cool! I've never been in a limo or been up close and personal with one--the one time I had a chance was when my brother was going to school dances and he normally wouldn't let me anywhere near him... something about him not liking me very much (he was the baby in the family before I came along when he was 6)

    Sounds like you all got to enjoy Princess's dance!

  3. Princess looks so pretty!

    How neat to be able to take the limo for free!
