
Nov 20, 2013

Watching the Jazz

I signed up Curly, Scout, and Sport to play Jr. Jazz basketball this year, but their season doesn't start until after Thanksgiving. I was a bit surprised when the Jazz tickets for their free game were for the November 18th game against The Golden State Warriors.

Because we were at Zupas and we still had to pick up the kids, we didn't get to the arena until about 7:15. Bossy and her family drove separately, but we ended up parking in the same lot about 3 stalls away from each other. (I guess great minds think alike!)

After we got through security, we decided to cash in our tickets for hot dogs and drinks before we climbed all those stairs to the cheap seats. Unfortunately, there were tons of Jr. Jazz players at the game and apparently they had a run on hot dogs so we ended up waiting for about 15 more minutes for the last of them. Sport was waiting to meet up with some friends from his team, so he and I and Baby Doll waited for the last of the dogs and sent the rest of the family to find our seats.

It could have been worse. I think we were on about row 17 in the upper bowl, so there were still a few people that were even higher than we were. When the hot dogs were finally ready, I delivered Sport to his friends 3 sections over and then made my way to where the rest of the family were already enjoying the game.

It was well into the second quarter and I never saw the Jazz less than 10 behind all night long. Sometimes they were down by as many as 32. Somebody needs to teach them to go for the rebound!! Despite the fact that the game wasn't very good, I sure enjoyed the company and just the experience of being together.

It wasn't long before one of Sport's friends threw up and they decided to leave so Sport joined us in our section. At one point the section across the aisle from us was chosen as the "Section of the Night" or something like that and they had workers running up the stairs with Jazz visors that they randomly handed to people. Bossy got the attention of one of the teenage boys and pointed out cute little Baby Doll and scored one of them for her. Later, I guy a few rows down tossed his to Bossy's boys, so we ended up with two total.

She wouldn't hold still for me to snap the pic with the new visor.
We stayed all the way to the final buzzer although there were plenty of people abandoning ship much earlier. Like I said, we weren't really there for the game. After a potty run, we headed for our vehicles. Gamer and his kids got out before we did, but Bossy was with us and she carried Baby Doll all the way to the van. Curly got running a little too fast and rolled his ankle on Scout's shoe, so the Dog Walker picked him up and gave him a shoulder ride the rest of the way to the car. I just love the way my kids take care of each other!

As we were leaving, I passed Gamer a book of Wendy's coupons for free Frostys so their family could make a quick stop for ice cream on the way home too. It was a fun evening, well worth the $5 it cost us for parking.

1 comment:

  1. Another fun adventure out for your family. Kind of sad the game wasn't better.
    Blessings and hugs!
