
Nov 11, 2013

Happy Veterans' Day

My dad is very proud to be a veteran! He joined the service right out of high school and was sent to California for basic training. He trained to be a cook although I don't ever remember eating anything he cooked. He always used to say that he cooked enough in the army to last for a lifetime. I have heard that he makes a pretty decent pancake, and breakfast for many people is his specialty.

I told you a few weeks ago that he played basketball while he was there and actually made the army team., first string! When he had put in his time, he came back to Utah and went to school, met and married my mom, and never looked back.

Over the last few years he has been an active member of the VFW. He was the commander of the honor guard, you know, the men who play taps at funerals. These guys are awesome! When the Dog Walker had his final Court of Honor for Scouts, they came in and presented part of the program. It was very impressive.

No, my dad never actually fought in a war. Korea was just ending when he signed up and he was finished before Vietnam began. I've sometimes wondered what my life would have been like had he served active duty and seen some of the things my FIL witnessed during WWII. Would he have had nightmares? Would he have hated fireworks? Or would we have been one of those families who visited the war memorial to lay flowers on his early grave?

I am so grateful for his dedicated service. He and millions of other young men, fathers, dads, brothers, grandfathers who have pledged their lives to keeping our country safe.

You truly are heroes.


  1. dont forget the women who serve and are still serving.

  2. You are 100% right! I was just focused on my dad and thinking about him when I wrote this post. I read an article in the Parade just this morning about mothers who have served and how difficult it is on their families. That didn't happen as much back when my dad served in the late 1950s, but it sure is happening now! I didn't mean to hurt any feelings.

  3. I love this country and those who have served in the arm services. Great men and women have given there all for the freedoms we enjoy. I love that you father is part of this. We have had many family members serve. Our son in law was in Iraq for 18 months and our daughter and her 4 girls lived with us during this time. It was very hard for our daughter. We are so proud of him for is service.
