
Nov 14, 2013

A Little Explanation

I admit it! I was tired last night and I knew I had to get up just after 5:00 AM and drive for half an hour to get to the Millcreek Curves to set up the Tupperware at 6:00. You all know I'm NOT a morning person. So as we finished up the Dog Walker's homework, I casually mentioned that maybe he could write my blog post last night.

He actually loves guest posting on my blog because my stats come out a bit higher than his and he loves the attention. I wanted him to post about something for school, maybe something about the homework we have been doing or the 25 hours of service he spent helping people with disabilities. My only instruction was to please write it about school and please keep it positive. (Since I gave you a rather negative post about homework last week, I didn't want you to think we hated school.)

Then I headed off for bed. I tossed and turned all night, worried that I would sleep through that early alarm, but that's another story.

So imagine my surprise this morning when I discovered that he wrote not about school, but School House Rock! It's interesting to see how his autistic mind works. I did ask him to write about school and to keep it positive, but he must have known this was not what I was expecting.

And then to make things even crazier, he connected 27 movies to the post. Does he really believe there are people out there with so little to do that they can play all of them? I chose one, a favorite I remembered from my childhood and Saturday morning Cartoons - Conjunctions.

And you know what?! He had 200 more page views than my best days on the internet!

Do I sound a little bitter?

Maybe it's time to reread my post about Women's Volleyball...


  1. That's really funny that you asked him to write about school and he wrote about School House Rock. I love it! It was a really fun post, I think I watched about 5 or 6 of them and am looking forward to watching more of them today :)

  2. LOL! I bookmarked Dog Walker's School House Rock post, so I CAN go back and watch them all when I have a chance!!! And let me share that in middle school I didn't have to study for our recitation of The Preamble. I simply sang School House Rock! Thank you, Dog Walker, for the memories :)
